Looking For Hope
As I sit in my office conversing with my intern I am deeply disturbed by the direction that the church in America seems to be taking. I am not the first person to sound this horn, nor will I be the last. The thoughts that I have I do not credit as my own, but they are the thoughts of many Godly men and women who have went before me. It seems the more that churches struggle to stay afloat in America the more the message becomes compromised, the more it becomes a message that is man centered rather than God centered. Austin and I read an article in a magazine this morning that is written to target lost people. This magazine comes in the mail once in a while to our church as an advertisement from the company that makes it trying to get us to mail it to local homes in the area. The cover article was about searching for significance, and how each of us struggles looking for life fulfillment in all sorts of activities. The article was a good article, that was true, however it was an article that should have been aimed at believers who were struggling with their identity in Christ, and not a message to unbelievers who have never been born again.
The reason I say this is that the presentation of the article makes it sound like life's biggest problem is finding significance, or being important, and how each of us struggles with that. I can attest that as a believer, and even when I was an unbeliever, I struggled with feeling significant and important. However when I got saved it was not because I discovered that God thought that I was important, it was because I discovered that I had sinned against a holy God and that I was doomed to an eternity in hell because of it. Suddenly as I was confronted with the consequences of my sin I was sorry! I am sorry still, even when I stumble and sin now, I am sorry and I want to change. The denom that I pastor in has a presentation on it's website called Looking For Hope, that basically says life's biggest problem is that we essentially can't find happiness in fame, money, drugs, etc. It says that there is no true happiness in anything but Christ. The message is true that there is no true happiness in anything but Christ, however this is not the Gospel that we were commanded to preach. We were commanded to preach of sin and righteousness, and of the wrath to come. (Matthew 24:1-14 with tons of emphasis on 14, Mark 1:15) We are commanded to teach all men everywhere to repent of their sins, to turn away from them, and follow and serve the creator rather than their own selfish desires for happiness. (1 Timothy 1, 1 Timothy 4:7-11, Acts 17:30)
The church in America seems to struggle more and more everyday with church closures, budget shortfalls, not enough workers, moral failures of clergy, and general turmoil. Could it be that the reason we are struggling so much is because rather than teaching the truth we have exchanged the truth for a lie, for something that looks like a form of Godliness, and that our problems stem from the fact that the church is full of people who have never turned from their own selfishness and sin to God? I mean if the message I preach is Jesus makes life so much better isn't that just another form of selfishness? Is it possible that the church and it's teachers are no longer reproving, rebuking, correcting, and exhorting and are rather teaching what sounds good to the itching ears of the people? (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Scripture warns of perilous times for the church - are these the times? Is the church now desperately looking for hope?
The reason I say this is that the presentation of the article makes it sound like life's biggest problem is finding significance, or being important, and how each of us struggles with that. I can attest that as a believer, and even when I was an unbeliever, I struggled with feeling significant and important. However when I got saved it was not because I discovered that God thought that I was important, it was because I discovered that I had sinned against a holy God and that I was doomed to an eternity in hell because of it. Suddenly as I was confronted with the consequences of my sin I was sorry! I am sorry still, even when I stumble and sin now, I am sorry and I want to change. The denom that I pastor in has a presentation on it's website called Looking For Hope, that basically says life's biggest problem is that we essentially can't find happiness in fame, money, drugs, etc. It says that there is no true happiness in anything but Christ. The message is true that there is no true happiness in anything but Christ, however this is not the Gospel that we were commanded to preach. We were commanded to preach of sin and righteousness, and of the wrath to come. (Matthew 24:1-14 with tons of emphasis on 14, Mark 1:15) We are commanded to teach all men everywhere to repent of their sins, to turn away from them, and follow and serve the creator rather than their own selfish desires for happiness. (1 Timothy 1, 1 Timothy 4:7-11, Acts 17:30)
The church in America seems to struggle more and more everyday with church closures, budget shortfalls, not enough workers, moral failures of clergy, and general turmoil. Could it be that the reason we are struggling so much is because rather than teaching the truth we have exchanged the truth for a lie, for something that looks like a form of Godliness, and that our problems stem from the fact that the church is full of people who have never turned from their own selfishness and sin to God? I mean if the message I preach is Jesus makes life so much better isn't that just another form of selfishness? Is it possible that the church and it's teachers are no longer reproving, rebuking, correcting, and exhorting and are rather teaching what sounds good to the itching ears of the people? (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Scripture warns of perilous times for the church - are these the times? Is the church now desperately looking for hope?
Our hope & stability have to remain fixed on Jesus. Jesus will never disappoint us! We do live in a fallen world with free will. We will be disappointed by other Christians and every superfluous relationship, situation. God is no less God when bad things happen to us. He still loves us and will take the brokeness and use it to His glory. My life actually fell apart when I became a Christian! Raised in a heathen home, Christianity was strongly resisted and I was thrown to the curb because I wouldn't live an immoral lifestyle (opportunities for my new Savior to provide!!!), Rape on a Christian campus (surely that doesn't happen but, yes, it does)Fired because I wouldn't sleep with the boss (before the laws changed). We are pilgrims passing through this life. Joseph still had to suffer many years falsely imprisoned after being left for dead by his own family. Still he chose to love God and life for him. He received firshand the comfort that only God can give. Christianity is not about living at 7777 Easy Street. Yes, we are sinners who failed horribly in living our lives before our Holy Maker. God alone is deserving of us living for Him. Yes, I agree - Our hope is a living hope as it says in I Peter!
Anonymous, at 9:12 AM
You asked:
Could it be that the reason we are struggling so much is because rather than teaching the truth we have exchanged the truth for a lie, for something that looks like a form of Godliness, and that our problems stem from the fact that the church is full of people who have never turned from their own selfishness and sin to God? I mean if the message I preach is Jesus makes life so much better isn't that just another form of selfishness? Is it possible that the church and it's teachers are no longer reproving, rebuking, correcting, and exhorting and are rather teaching what sounds good to the itching ears of the people? (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Scripture warns of perilous times for the church - are these the times? Is the church now desperately looking for hope?
Be this as it may, what really counts is not what you teach/preach but how you live it. This is something that a lot of ‘unchurched/lost’ people, and I include myself in this label that a lot of Christians are so quick and willing to slap on others, including me see happening a lot in churches, both large and small. Folks are quick to label others but are slow to truly look at themselves. In a nutshell, words are cheap. If you say you believe, but yet you treat others, and especially those who don’t believe like you like a horses rear, then it really doesn’t matter what you teach/preach because your actions are what you are really teaching you believe. It goes back to the old saw of ‘I can’t hear your words, your actions are screaming too loudly.’
I’ve been told ad nauseum that just because I don’t see things the same way that folks do in their church that I’m automatically wrong. Scriptures usually get crammed down throats at some point in time, but what’s interesting about Scriptures is that they can always be used in isolation or carefully constructed bits and pieces to prove/justify/verify whatever the belief that is being presented. Stop being so concerned about being ‘correct’ and live your faith.
It may be possible that some of it is due to no longer exhorting, etc., although it may also be possible that people are starting to get tired of being ground down in the churches instead of being given space and encouragement to carve out their own ways of having a relationship with God. IMO churches are listening many times to their own tickling/itching ears and not being open to listening to those on the outside who might just be looking in fearing or knowing that they won’t be truly accepted in the church until their beliefs line up with what is seen as acceptable or normal in that denomination. People are also tired of all of the bickering between the denominations, all the running down of the denominations that don’t ‘line up Scripturally’ with the one currently lambasting the others. It’s kind of like the definition of a cult. My experience has been that it tends to boil down to one word … ‘them’!!!!!
As far as the perilous times, it has been that way since God first breathed life into the world. Using it as a scare tactic is something that has historically been done by the church in many ways and for a lot of years.
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
Interesting set of comments. I understand where you are coming from but from the perspective of a teacher who has been commanded to teach it absolutely matters what we teach. The scriptures say that those of us who endeavor to teach are going to be judged more strictly because of it. If I teach falsed doctorine I can lead a whole congregation astray.
However in a nutshell it sounds like you have been hurt by the church or some jerk of a preacher. Perhaps even it was me that hurt you. So what it is that got you this upset. Because what was written in this blog was a wake up call for those inside the church, but now it sounds like one who labels themself us unchurched has taken it as a hit against them. I would love to converse more on what precipitated your comments.
Pastor Jerry, at 7:52 AM
It may matter what you teach, but I think that a lot of folks have seen far too often those who teach it but don’t live it. Talking the walk is easy … walking the walk isn’t. Regardless of how you teach, if you’re not backing it up with action, with the way you live your life then at the best it sends the wrong message and becomes confusing, and at worst presents God as a sadistic, well, let’s not go there ;-).
As far as being hurt, who hasn’t been? I don’t hold it against God because God understands as no human ever could even have a hope of. LOL I’m really not angry, believe me.
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I’d rather you would walk with me than merely show the way.
The eye’s a better pupil, and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing but example’s always clear.
And best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you’ll let me see it done.
I can see your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.
And the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true,
But I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do.
For I may not understand you and the high advice you give,
But there is no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
Author Unknown
This little poem came to my attention many years ago, but it remains true for both Christians and anyone in a position of leadership and authority.
Scripture tells us that as we approach the end times, many will come preaching things to "tickle the ears". Alley has correctly stated that there are many who judge, despite our being told not to do so, since only the Almighty is qualified to Judge.
Sin has no size -- big, little, it's all the same and worthy of death. The most important thing is that God created us to fellowship with Him, and He gave us free will to choose to love and serve Him. When that fellowship was broken in the Garden of Eden, He chose to make a plan that would allow us to again be in fellowship. That plan required the obedience of His Son, Jesus Christ, who came and loved us enough to die a brutal, humiliating death and endure separation from the perfection from which He had NEVER been separated, all to save just me.....just you.....just Pastor Jerry. Do you know anyone else who would willingly lay down their life for you right this moment that has never seen you up close and personal?
And no matter how many times I stumble and fall --- regardless of what others say or do --- He continues to love and forgive me when I ask. There will always be hypocrites on the Earth until God destroys what dies and decays and replaces it with the perfection He has promised. In the meantime, He's given us the awesome opportunity to love and serve Him, and to serve others.
Alley -- I pray you'll look past the sin in the lives of others (in the form of their judging, criticizing and infighting) and look into the loving eyes of Jesus -- feel the open arms of a Father who will welcome you no matter what. Search His Word for answers. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (see Psalms 37). If we acknowledge our sins, accept His grace,and diligently seek Him through His Word, He will pour out such blessings that your heart and mind cannot contain nor imagine them.
Challenges will always come because Satan is the ruler of this world, but once we become a Child of the King, we have His power to help us weather anything that comes our way.
Thanks, Pastor Jerry, for your insights and questions. Keep in the Word, and your obedience will continue to be rewarded. Much love to you and the family.
Kim in Arnold, MO
Anonymous, at 8:03 PM
Really, I wrote my newest 'rant' on www.thedowngrade2007.blogspot.com before reading this. So all I can say is AMEN. We are heading into the toilet because all too many of us (meaning pastors) are trying to be cool and relevant rather than truthful. You should also check Chip Andersons recent blog on a similar subject.
Give me a holla sometime and I will tell you about "The Varsity Pub" incident.
pastorboy, at 12:04 PM
Why are you giving satan that much power? I wasn't aware that God had given control of the earth to satan. If you believe that satan is in control of anything, then you deny that God has the power to control it.
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
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