Is There Really Only One God?
How many Gods are there? This seems like such a simple question with such a simple answer. Probably anyone who reads this would quickly say there is only one God. Yet our actions seem all too often to say something so different. Even inside of the Christian church we deny the truth that there is only one God by our actions. Even the nation of Israel with her creed of “Hear, Oh Israel, hear the Lord our God is one,” tended to deny that fact by her actions. Hopefully I have gotten your full attention, and now I will explain.
I have heard in the church so many times that so and so would never be receptive to the gospel because he has so much money, and his life is going so right. Whether we want to admit it or not this is an announcement that our God is only the God of the poor and down trodden, and those who are rich financially are ok, and don’t need our God because there god is doing ok for them. Now I can hear everyone saying, “Now wait a minute,” but there is no need to wait, what I am saying is true. Someone might disagree that is what we mean when we say those things, but at the very heart we are saying that he won’t receive our God because he doesn’t need him. Yet if we really believe our God is the only God, and the only Way, then we should KNOW that he needs him.
Let me expand on this idea a little bit. I recently spent some time in South America, and the missionaries there are starting to try to reach the wealthy professional class. However some of us back here in the States have been giving them flack, because our missions dollar is being used to reach a people that have more money than we do. This again is a subconscious admittance that we believe there is more than one God, saying these people have money they don’t need God. I know this might hurt a little as we read it, but it is the truth.
We can expand this argument to the popular thinking in our culture right now of relativism. Relativism says that it’s “your truth” and that your truth and my truth can coexist, so that I can worship my God and you can worship yours and we are both right. Christians all over our country are not telling people about Jesus because they already have a God they worship. In our political correctness we let Muslims continue to walk in darkness here in our own cities, with out so much as raising a finger to reach them, because they are worshiping their God. This is the exact sin that Israel was guilty of when she did not make God’s name known among all the nations. There is only one God, and Israel should have been his light in the world, yet they were hard of heart and did not make him known. Essentially saying, “He is our God and they have their God so it is ok.”
The scriptures however testify to something completely different. It says that those gods are not gods at all. Several places actually say that those gods are demons, both in the Old and New Testaments. (Deut 32:17, Psalm 106:36-37, 1Cor 10:19-21, Rev 9:20) Hopefully it gives new meaning to what Paul says here: For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:12-13
Father God,
May you please open my heart and mind, and may I believe that there is You and You only. And may when I see people worshipping and serving other gods that are not gods at all may you put a burning passion in my heart to tell them the truth about Jesus. Do all of this regardless of their financial or social status, there seeming comfort they may have, or political correctness. May I radically obey your command to take the Gospel to all nations.
I am guilty of relativism. I have a hard time sharing what I believe with those that don't believe the same as me. I am making an effort to learn more about my God so I can have the info. to support my beliefs.
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
Well praise the Lord that you can admit that you are guilty of it and are trying to change that about yourself. Remember that God will give you the words to say if you learn to trust him for them.
Pastor Jerry, at 9:41 AM
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