Crossroads Fellowship

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Conscience

Paul now moves efficiently through why Gentiles are without excuse. Let’s read the scriptures and see what they have to say: For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.
Romans 2:12-16

The basic premise in these four simple verses is very clear. God’s moral law is written on our hearts in the form of our conscience. The word that we translate from the Greek into conscience is the prolonged form of suneidō ( or for you Greek readers συνείδω). This word means to become aware of, or to be informed of. The English word conscience means with knowledge. Con = with and science = knowledge. Paul is basically saying here that God has given each person individual knowledge of what is required of us by placing in us our conscience. That is why each person is without excuse.

So what does this mean to me today? Well if you are a Christian this should impact you with the urgency of taking the Gospel message to anyone who has not heard it, because clearly their lack of knowledge of the Savior, Jesus Christ, will not keep them out of hell, because their knowledge of right and wrong shows that God has placed within them his righteous requirements and holy standard. This is why evangelical Christians work so hard to take the Gospel to all nations.

If you are not a Christian this should hopefully move you to a place where you seek God with a truly repentant heart, asking to be forgiven of your sins, and trusting the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. You may still be saying what sins? So let me explain. Is it wrong to lie? Who can say no to that? If you have ever lied even once you are a liar! Is it wrong to steal? Of course it is, and if you have ever taken anything that wasn’t yours you are a thief. The value of the things stolen is irrelevant. Whether it was a stolen answer to a test, a cookie, or a burned CD, God will punish you accordingly. Have you ever lusted? Jesus said that whoever looks with lust is guilty of adultery in their heart. These are just three of God’s Ten Commandments. There are seven more where they came from. If you can admit that you are guilty of these things then you are admitting that you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart. As we have explored earlier in the book of Romans we know that all such sinners deserve to be punished. So repent of your sins today, because today might be your last day, and trust the Savior.

A prayer for the Christian:
Help me to see the need of each man, woman, and child in the world to have the words of life, the Gospel, spoken to them. Help me to not only faithful support missionaries with my prayers and finances, but also help me to be a witness for you. Lord that may mean that I have to share the Gospel with those I know and meet in my home town, or it may mean that I have to quit my job and become a missionary. Either way Lord give what I need to follow your leading in my life.

An example of a prayer to become a Christian for those who are not:
Heavenly Father,
I admit to you today that I have broken your moral law, and I stand without excuse. I admit that I have (list sins that come to your mind here), and that I am in desperate need of your forgiveness. I also confess that telling you about my sins are not enough, and that I need to live a life that forsakes and flees from sin. So help me to live a life of true repentance, as I put my trust in what Jesus did on the Cross when he died for my sins. Father I wish to make Jesus the Master, and Lord of my life, help me to live my life in total submission to your will. Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit in me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

You may also want to look at Psalm 51 as this was King David's prayer of repentance when he had sinned against God. Whether you have prayed that prayer or not get out your Bible every single day and read it. Start reading through the book of Romans, or the Gospel of John, and simply obey what you read. If you read the Scriptures and obey what is written there you will never go wrong, because they teach you to repent of your sins and trust the Savior, and live your life in a godly manner. If you are not in church, find a good Bible believing church, and fellowship with other believers so that you can grow in Christ.


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