We have talked about doing the “do” and living a life that is holy and acceptable to the Lord. And as if living for the Lord because we love him was not incentive enough for us the apostle Paul almost casually says the following words: Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:11-14
It’s almost funny how he says it, almost like he is saying live a life of loving God and loving your neighbors, besides the “party” is almost over, the end is almost here and you wouldn’t want to be caught asleep! Brethren the day is nearly dawning when the Lord Jesus Christ will make his return to the earth to gather the church together. We should live for the Lord out of love for him, but if doing the do of love is not reason enough then cast off the darkness and put on the armor of light because the master will be here soon to check on the servants. To live for God out of love for him is better, but it is ok to live for him out of obedience, even if we struggle with obeying it is acceptable. I would be a liar if I said that I never did things out of simple obedience rather than wanting to. Visiting the sick and shut-ins for instance is very hard for me, I love those people, but my love for them is not strong enough to compel me to go and see them. So I go and see them because God has asked me to, and so in obedience I follow his commands.
It would certainly be better for me to visit them out of love for them. It would certainly be better if my visitation skills in general welled up out of love. But this is a place in my Christian walk that I need to grow, and while I grow there I still will strive to obey for obedience’s sake. Besides the hour has come for me and you to wake from sleep, for salvation is nearer now that when we first believed. So let us put on the full armor of God, obey, and make no provision for the flesh.
You know my heart and you know that love does not compell me to do all that is right, and holy, and true to you. So first I ask you to help me to obey you even for the sake of obedience. Then I ask that you would change me, remake me, and shape me that love would be the motivation for all that I do. Do this for me for the sake of Jesus and his holy name.
It’s almost funny how he says it, almost like he is saying live a life of loving God and loving your neighbors, besides the “party” is almost over, the end is almost here and you wouldn’t want to be caught asleep! Brethren the day is nearly dawning when the Lord Jesus Christ will make his return to the earth to gather the church together. We should live for the Lord out of love for him, but if doing the do of love is not reason enough then cast off the darkness and put on the armor of light because the master will be here soon to check on the servants. To live for God out of love for him is better, but it is ok to live for him out of obedience, even if we struggle with obeying it is acceptable. I would be a liar if I said that I never did things out of simple obedience rather than wanting to. Visiting the sick and shut-ins for instance is very hard for me, I love those people, but my love for them is not strong enough to compel me to go and see them. So I go and see them because God has asked me to, and so in obedience I follow his commands.
It would certainly be better for me to visit them out of love for them. It would certainly be better if my visitation skills in general welled up out of love. But this is a place in my Christian walk that I need to grow, and while I grow there I still will strive to obey for obedience’s sake. Besides the hour has come for me and you to wake from sleep, for salvation is nearer now that when we first believed. So let us put on the full armor of God, obey, and make no provision for the flesh.
You know my heart and you know that love does not compell me to do all that is right, and holy, and true to you. So first I ask you to help me to obey you even for the sake of obedience. Then I ask that you would change me, remake me, and shape me that love would be the motivation for all that I do. Do this for me for the sake of Jesus and his holy name.
Feelings are fleeting and can betray us. I find that after I step out in faith against my flesh and feelings and obey that I am blessed later, but you obey because we have a Holy God who is worthy, the rest is just icing on the cake. We are always growing - Pastor Jerry, you're the Greek, but I believe being changed is a "present continuous" verb form being used.
~~splashing in His grace, love and mercy
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
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