Crossroads Fellowship

Thursday, December 14, 2006

"Asking Jesus into your heart" is not enough!

I want to talk about God’s punishment of the wicked. When I say I want to talk about God’s punishment of the wicked I am not speaking of the unsaved, unrepentant masses out on the streets only, but also those who worship inside the church who are living in sin. Every time I talk about this subject I feel like a broken record, but it must be an important subject because as you read through any book of the Bible God is dealing with the wickedness of those who would call themselves His people. One thing that I have found is that I strongly believe in personal holiness, even though I fail miserably at it way more often than not. (And I am not just saying that.) Personal holiness is something that God wants for each of us as believers, and when we do not walk in that holiness we can expect that God will deal with us in a most effective manner. The apostle Paul slips in another tag for personal holiness as he writes to the Romans about the Israelites. Here is what he says: For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. Romans 11:21-22

Paul is saying here that if God did not spare the natural branches, or the Israelites, then neither will he spare us for sin. God has dealt severely with those who have fallen, and we should expect that he will deal severely with us if we fall. Popular “church” teaching says that you can "ask Jesus in your heart" and keep on living your sin filled, and sin infested life. But this was not the message of Jesus, nor is it the message of the apostles. We are called to repent from all known sin in our lives, and turn wholly towards a holy God. If we do not bear the fruits of holiness in our life, or the fruit of the Spirit, then he will cut us off from the vine.

Jesus said that we must remain in him, obey his commandments, and then we would bear fruit. He also said that if we do not remain in him he will cut us off from the life giving vine and throw us into the fire. I want you to understand that I believe in the perseverance of the saints, or as some would say, “Once saved – always saved.” But, and it is a big but, just because we say we are saved doesn’t make us saved. Our lifestyle should start to change and we should have a desire to be holy if we are really saved. We may stink at being holy, but we should desperately desire it. Our sins should lead us to grief that causes us to repent. If this is not true of us then I fear we are in danger of being cut off and burned in the fire. May we all bear fruit for the King.

Lord Jesus,
I am not to good at not sinning. About the only time that I can keep from sinning is when you keep me from it by your power and life giving Spirit. I realize that, and I realize that I must remain in you, the vine, if I am to bear the fruits of personal holiness in my life. May my sin always grieve me and eat me up unitl I repent before you. Help me - because I NEED your help.


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