Before we move forward with chapter seven of Romans I would really like to take a look at Romans 6:23 closely. This is one of the most misquoted verses in the Bible, and I know that statement is going to raise a lot of hair on the back of a lot of necks, but it is true none the less. Here is what the verse says: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 How is this verse misquoted so often you might ask? The answer is simple. We most often hear this verse being used for evangelism, telling folks that the free gift of God is life eternal if they will repent and believe. And the statement that eternal life is his free gift for those who are born again is very true, however the passage of scripture, namely Romans 6, that this verse comes out of is not a passage of scripture dealing with salvation.
This passage of scripture is dealing with the deeper life of sanctification. We are urged to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ. Then we are urged to present ourselves as instruments of righteousness. Next we are urged to view ourselves as slaves of righteousness and of Christ. And that end statement, to saved people not unsaved, is the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Eternal life is the deeper sanctified life. And because it is eternal we can live it now. Probably all throughout the ages this verse will be used in evangelism, but it is a tragedy that in so doing we overlook the fact that this verse is really one of the culminating points on holy living. Personal holiness is a gift of God, a free gift of God. And you will hopefully see through Romans 7:24, 25 that Paul again states that Jesus gives us the power and ability to be saved from our wretched body of death and live a sanctified life, consecrated unto God.
Blessed Heavenly Father,
Oh that I may see that the free gift you have provided is more than life in heaven with you. May I see that it is also living the deeper life here and now! Praise you Jesus for all you have done!
This is a very powerful insight and statement.
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM
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