We Are WITH God!
I believe that many times we think about what Paul is saying here and we view the peace that we have with God that Paul is referring to here as being only peace between ourselves and God through Christ. While this is very true, that we have obtained peace between ourselves and God, by faith, through Christ, I believe that there is also another form of peace that God would have us to rest in that is mentioned in this passage. Paul mentions this same peace to the church at
I would go so far as to say that it is the primary peace that Paul, and God, want us as believers to know about. Many God fearing men, greater teachers than I am, might disagree with this, but none the less let us explore it briefly. Paul says that since, or because of, our justification we have peace with God through Jesus. Before we were justified we were not with God, we were enemies of God in our minds through wicked works. (Colossians 1:21) But now, after having been justified, by faith through the blood of Christ on
And so as we look back at Romans 4, Abraham had peace believing God, because by faith he was with God, and not against him. So as we look at the beginning of Romans 5 we can see that because we are with God, we have peace. Keeping that in mind it suddenly makes sense when Paul goes onto explain that we can rejoice in the hope of glory, and more than that we can rejoice in our sufferings. We are with God, and because we know that God will not bring us to something that He can not bring us through, then we can rejoice in peace, knowing that our suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.
Because Abraham believed God, and was with God, he could rejoice in suffering with no heir, enduring the pain and shame, growing in godly character, which ultimately produced hope (faith with expectation), that he would be the father of many nations. All of this because by faith and belief he was with God. So if by faith you have obtained access to the grace in which you stand, do not waver in your faith, distrusting God, but live in the peace that you have because you are with God.
Father God,My life circumstances are not always what I would wish them to be. But I know that I have been justified by faith through Christ, and that I have died to sin and self, having my life hidden with Christ in You. Therefore I ask that you would fulfill your word in me, that I would have peace, and patient endurance as I go through these many trials. Father, my flesh would have me to be anxious, but my spirit would wait upon you. And so I wait with hope against hope, crying out to You --- fulfill Your purpose and plan in me. For the glory of the King, and Jesus only, Amen.
I very much appreciate and enjoy all the thoughts and prayers you have shared with us in these daily devotionals. May the LORD grant your every request. AMEN So be it.
Anonymous, at 10:24 PM
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